En 301 549可访问性 - European Web Accessibility Standard and Its Requirements

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
En 301 549可访问性

European web accessibility standards are known as EN 301 549. 它允许组织衡量网站和其他数字财产的可访问性,并适用于所有成员国, local and government bodies in European Union. The European Commission is committed to inclusivity, 多样性, and equality; hence they have made it compulsory for each digital property (in Europe) made or bought by a public sector body to adhere with EN 301 549 accessibility.

数字无障碍标准EN 301 549直接引用了WCAG,以确保网页无障碍的最佳水平. This act is specifically for websites, 移动应用程序, 以及其他正在欧洲使用的信息和通信技术产品和服务. EN 301 549 aims to make all public sector websites and apps harmonized within the European Union; thus, it is also known as HEN (Harmonized European Standard), 这是满足欧洲网页无障碍指令(WAD)要求的最低规格.

Let’s know more about accessibility standard.

记住EN 301 549的要点!

各方面最新 EN 301 549 v3.2.1 standard are listed in Annex A that are relevant to WAD. 根据最新版本, 所有公共机构应定期提供清晰和详细的无障碍声明,说明其网站或移动应用程序如何遵守本指令.

  • 必须有不可访问元素的解释(如果有的话)和关于可选可访问元素的信息.
  • 该声明应包含用户如何报告合规失败或请求本指令范围之外的信息的描述.
  • There should be a link to the compliance mechanism that can be used by users if needed.

European Commission has provided a model of accessibility statement in 实施决定(EU) 2018/1523.


  • 根据现有的国家法律,为每个网站和移动应用程序提供无障碍要求应用程序.
  • Facilitate training programs on accessibility requirements.
  • Spread awareness about accessibility.
  • 分享无障碍网站和移动应用程序所需的最佳实践.
  • Ensure the availability of an effective enforcement procedure.

成员国应根据欧盟委员会于2018年10月11日通过的方法监测数字合规性 Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1524.

此外, 由2021年12月23日起, 每3年一次, 成员国将公布并向委员会提交一份报告,其中将介绍监测和执行无障碍标准的结果.

EN 301 549排除了什么?

请注意,EN 301 549不适用于公共服务广播公司和不提供任何有用服务的非政府组织. The directive does not apply to the following content elements:

  • 2018年9月23日之前发布的办公室文件格式(除非任何公共部门机构可能需要这些文件进行行政处理).
  • Audio or video content published before 23 September 2020.
  • 实时音频或视频.
  • Online mapping (if essential navigational information is available in an accessible way).
  • Any third-party content which is not under the control of a public sector body.
  • Reproduction of manuscripts or heritage items in some specific circumstances.
  • 在2019年9月23日之前为封闭人群制作的内部网或外联网内容, if the content has not received any major update.
  • 2019年9月23日之后未更新或编辑的网站和移动应用程序的内容,前提是这些内容不需要进行任何管理流程.

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From when does the directive apply and which are harmonized versions of EN 301 549?

指令EN 301 549自2016年12月22日起适用,但在2018年9月23日之前成为成员国的法律. 成员国必须从2019年9月23日起对2018年9月22日之后发布的网站适用该标准, 23 September 2020 for all public sector websites, and 23 June 2021 for all mobile applications.


第一个版本.1.2 of the standard was released in 2016 and was based on WCAG 2.0. Its standardization mandate was 376 however it was not harmonized.

第二个版本2.1.2 released in 2018, and it was a resemblance to WCAG 2.1. European Commission harmonized it in December 2018, and it comes under mandate 554.

下一个版本是3.1.1 released in November 2019 and it is not harmonized.

最新的版本是3.2.2021年3月上映. It is harmonized on February 12, 2022, under mandate 554.

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Technical requirements of European web accessibility standard!

Initially, European Commission curated standards (from WCAG 2.1) and then transformed them into harmonized European directives, which are supported by a legal force under European law. Harmonized standards/directives are based on two conditions –

该标准应由欧洲标准组织(ESOs)在欧盟委员会的授权下制定. These organizations are – ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute), CEN (European Committee for Standardization), 和CENELEC(欧洲电工标准化委员会),它们一起被称为eso.


So, is your website accessible under European web accessibility standards?

如何确定您的网站或移动应用程序是否符合EN 301 549的规定?

Well, if you are assuming that your digital property adheres to WCAG 2.1, then more or less it is accessible under European web accessibility standards. So, it is not like that; there is a catch! 你必须记住:

Not all facets of EN 301 549 are based on WCAG best practices.

Both harmonized versions of EN 301 549 (v 2.1.2 and 3.2.1) have some requirements that are not included in WCAG 2.1. For instance, EN 301 549 addresses the use of biometric data. If an organization has a system that uses biometric data, they need to follow a specific set of rules to adhere to EN 301 549 to stay compliant.

EN 301 549对pdf也有一些特定的要求,这在WCAG要求中是缺失的.

Also, 最新版本的WCAG与WAD无关,因为它们没有作为EN 301 549的协调版本包含在附件A中.

You can find all the latest requirements that are relevant to the WAD in Annex A. 随着时间的推移, EN 301 549 is evolving more without including WCAG standards; thus, if a website or application is meeting all success criteria of WCAG 2.1 will not ensure a presumption of conformity with the WAD. 您还可以查看标准的最新变化和更新,以了解有关EN 301 549的更多信息.

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European standards apply to all public and private entities based out in EU. EN 301 549 v3.2.1 is the latest version of the standard that each digital property is expected to abide by. If any organization is not adhering to the standards, the consequences might be unpleasant.

测试你的网站, 移动应用程序, PDFs, 以及其他所有数字财产,以确保它们遵守最新的欧洲网络标准. Remember, 可访问的数字资产对你的业务在受众和收入增长方面是有益的,并且减少了诉讼的机会.

Hope this article has helped you understand the basics of EN 301 549. However, 最好是向网络开发公司寻求合适的解决方案来满足数字访问需求.

如果您正在寻求帮助,使您的商业网站和其他数字资产符合ADA标准, look no further than Skynet Technologies. 作为一个杰出的供应商 ADA网站无障碍服务, we offer guidance and support to ensure that your digital assets are accessible to all. For more information, please contact us at (电子邮件保护) 或者填写我们的免费报价表格.